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Spend Time With Your Horse

Spending time with your horse is one of the best ways to build your bond with them. Horses are creatures of routine and repetition, so the more you often you spend time with them, the more familiar and comfortable they may feel around you. In the wild, horses spend their entire day with their herd. As you spend time with your horse, they’ll start to see you as part of the herd.


There are many ways you can spend time with your horse; you can groom them, bathe them, braid their mane, let them graze on the lead rope; hand-walk them around the property. The more time you spend with them and the more variety you add to your activities, the fonder of you the horse will become.

In the beginning, focus on low-stress activities to do with your horse. This will encourage them to associate you with calm and peace compared to stress and frustration.

Learn How Your Horse Communicates

Another reason to focus on the bond with your horse is so you can learn how your horse communicates. What does your horse like and dislike? Are they scared of particular things? When you take the time to get to know your horse, it will help you to prepare for what you make come across in training later on.

I have a funny POA pony who is afraid of just about anything. Since I took the time to get to know him and bond with him in the beginning, I knew that when I started desensitizing him, it would probably be hard for him to handle. Knowing this, when it came time for desensitizing, I worked extra hard to not only be rewarding and patient with him but also very thorough in my training.

You may wonder how long it will take for you to bond with your horse. The time frame will be determined by your commitment as well as your horse’s personality and history. The great news is that you can constantly be building a stronger bond with your horse, even after you can ride them.