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Lesson 4

Wow. Still here. That's great. So now you have been working on this. You have writing down all the bad things that can happen, all the worst thing that can happen if you try to live out your dream.
Right? Cool. So now, now you need to look at how you can prevent this not to have like, or how you can reduce the risk. Right? How you can make sure that this is not really gonna to happen.
So if I do this, will it really happen? Like, yeah. But how can I reduce it? Like, if I'm creating this video course, then maybe people would think that I'm talking a lot. And my English is horrible.
And they don't like my dress and they don't like a lot of things about me. And then maybe they will not buy anything from or maybe they will be angry at me when they when they meet me in a simpler universe. Maybe maybe maybe. But are you sure that they will not buy from you? Are you sure that they will laugh at you?
And what if that's happened? Like, can you prevent it? Yes, no? If if your fear is that they will laugh at you, can you prevent that? Can you reduce the risk?
Yeah. I can reduce the risk. I can get dressed so they can accept me and I can cover this up and I can make sure that my nose is not red. And maybe maybe not me, maybe I should hire someone that 1 that can be in front of my camera someone with perfect English and then they will not laugh at me anymore. Is that a good deal?
Maybe maybe it's a good deal for you. And if it's a good deal for you? Go ahead. Do it. I I need to tell you about something because there's 3 things 3 questions that I always ask myself in in a situation like this.
So it's like even if in the COVID 19 sit situation in the coronavirus situation, but it can also be in other situations like, can I change this situation? If I can change it, I will do it. I will change it. If I can't change it, Well, then can I live with it? Can I accept it?
If I if I can accept I also lose my rights to complain about it because I asked, I will accept it. If I cannot change it and if I cannot accept it, then I can leave it. I can move away from it. I can go away. And So if someone is, like, doing this on the l r, it's hurting me.
Can I change it? Yeah. Maybe maybe not because he's very strong. Can I accept it? No.
No. No. I cannot because it hurts me. Can you move away? I could.
That actually works. So sometimes you need to move away and say, but this is not for me. Sometimes you actually just need to accept it. I assume Okay. Like I did with Rona, can I change it?
No. I cannot change this situation. Can I accept it? I don't like to accept this. 1.
Okay. So then move away from it. Well, good luck. Is this somewhere in this world without corona? No.
So I cannot move away. Well, I need to go back to the 2 others, can I change it? No. I still can't change it. Oh, okay.
So then I did I just need to accept that this this situation. I cannot do anything else about it, so I just need to follow. Okay? And it's dangerous to talk coronavirus and stuff like that. And we're not talking about this.
I'm just talking about my mindset about this. And you should do that with other things as well. Well, back to your paper. So what's on your paper now? Okay?
And and and and on your a paper, you just look at it and say, okay, how can I prevent this from happening? And how can I just read reduce the risk? So if it's going to happen, then how can I reduce the risk? So it's not going to hurt me that much? So create a plan, put all of them, all the worst happenings things on 1 column, and then write Next to them, what you can do to reduce the risk or to prevent this to happen.
Okay. Cool. Do that now. And then I'll see you in next lesson.


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