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How it works


lmq how

Personality quizzes are proving to be very successful lead magnets.  Through the quiz experience, quiz-takers receive valuable insight about themselves and you receive insights and feedback about them.  Our integration with Interact ensures that quiz results are stored on your contact pages.  This allows you to respond to your quiz-takers issues, challenges, fears, and inspirations directly in your quiz follow-up communications.  You can also use this insight to modify and adjust your future offers to be a better match for your contact's needs.  

A personality quiz is known to be the most shared and clicked-on type of quiz. Nearly 70% of the quizzes made with Interact are personality quizzes.  

Try out our demo Interact Lead Magnet quiz on the next page.  We've set up the integration to start you on an automation based on your result.  We'll send you a few emails over the next 3 days to demonstrate a simple nurturing sequence.