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Lesson 2

Wow. You're still here. That's great. I love that. So I We're going to talk about your business because you really this is your dream.
That's why you continue. The rest who discovered that this wasn't that dream, they were just trying to do it because that's what will give them, like, success. And whoo, I like this. I am my business owner. I'm an entrepreneur.
I'm a CEO and that's all the cool things that you write on LinkedIn. Have you thought about why you write that on LinkedIn? Because when I read what you are, then it doesn't tell anything about what you can do for me. So maybe you should write what you actually do and that's CEO, business owner, entrepreneur. Maybe you should write something else.
But okay. Well, it looks good. You're CEO, Me too. And that's cool and go build your business, do whatever it takes. Now you're going to live your dream.
And when can you say that this is a success? When is it going to be success for you? What is success? I had a lot of talks with a lot of people living their dreams. They are doing great things in life.
And 1 of them was Jesper Bucht. And he's the founder of Just Eat. I'm sure you know Just Eat if you have ordered a pizza online or something. And maybe you have used just to eat. And Jesper was saying that success for him was to earn your own money every month.
To earn your salary every month. So you can pay yourself what you need to earned every month. That's successful. So if you create a business, then when you can pay yourself every month, well, yeah, I heard a year. That's cool.
That's great. That's successful. Wow. That's good. No.
But I can not buy this Lamborghini or something. No. No. No. But, yes, the book did.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But he did something else and that was great. That was really great.
And I admire what he did, but you're not there yet. And he did something cool, a huge business. You hear on some player or you are on another platform selling your knowledge or some products or services. And you can earn money on this 1. But what is successful for you?
You need to think about when when is this a success for me, like, when? When is it? Wow. I'm living my dream. Well, you should ride that down on a paper.
And you should need to know when is this like, let's just say when if you use Simplio and you're selling your knowledge, your services and your products on SIPELIO, then when is it a success for me? When can I open a bottle of crava? A champagne and celebrate and say, wow, this is maybe the first step many steps on the way to my dream, but you need to celebrate and you need to know when you are a success. So, well, most of you will say, well, I need to earn this every month or I need to buy cow. I need to open a huge office.
I want to have a lot of my employees and stuff like that. Yeah. But maybe you should try to think beyond that 1. What does it give you if you have this car? What kind of feeling does it give you?
When you have a big office with a lot of employees, what does it give you? Because the car, the office, and all the employees, they will give you problems. So what a success for you? If you're watching this, if you can if you can see your dream in your head in real life. Then what feeling does it give you?
What kind of feeling? Then I think you are happy. You are feeling well. You're feeling good. You're feeling glad.
So, honestly, to for me being successful is when I'm happy, when I'm glad, like, when I'm smiling, when I remember to have fun. But what is success for you? Maybe it's not the same as for me. We're all different and that's okay. So you just need to understand when you are successful.
What is good in life for you? And are you really happy? If you're doing this, if you follow the stream, will you be happy? Will you be glad? And you will say, when I'm on top of this mountain, I will be the heaviest man in the wall, a woman.
I say, yeah. Great. Cool. Mhmm. Then you said elaborate and then the cloud come and then you need to get down again.
But are you happy when you're planning your trip? On your – on your – to the top of the mountain. When you go here and you buy your equipment and you plan, you put everything on a paper and you buy your tickets and you travel to that country with this high mountain and you camp in in in the front of the mountain and you talk with people there in the camp. Wow. How to do it and you try and you get down again and you relax and then you try again and then 1 day you will succeed and you will get to the top.
Will you be happy doing all this before you're standing on the top? Will you be glad? Will that be fun? Yes, it will be hard and yes, you will fall and yes, you will cry. But will you love it?
Will you love that right? Will you? Because that's a part of a dream and you better love it and you better smile and say, what? I'm learning things and I'm changing. I'm I'm doing this.
Is it like an expression ex life expedition travel in your life and you're changing yourself. And you will say, well, yeah, that sounds like Kelvin Kelvin and suppliers always talking about this personal development and stuff like that and but yeah, but I think it's right actually. You need to think first Who are you? And why are you doing this? If it's not your dream, well, drop it and find your dream.
I can tell you that a lot of people I have I have done interviews with people not living their dreams. And a lot of them. They told me that they're doing what they're doing because what that was expected of them from the parents or maybe friends. I went to the university because all my friends did. Cool.
I went to do this. I took this education because my father wanted me to be like this. Cool. Your father's happy right? But are you happy?
Are you really happy? Maybe you love your father and maybe you love your friends, but Don't live their dreams. Do what you want in life and get out there. Because 1 day, your father will not be here anymore. That's and maybe your friends will find other friends or actually your friends will follow their dreams and maybe they will let go of you because sometimes if you choose something, you have to get let go of other things.
And sometimes you are the other things. Sometimes friends would let go of you because they're actually following their dream, what they want to do. And that's okay. But you need to do the same and you need to follow your dream. So what is your dream?
Yeah. I think before we go to the next video, you should think about what is it really you're doing? Why you here. And if I see you in the next video, I think it's because that your dream is doing business online or something else. But in this next video and next lesson, we're going to talk about fear holding your back.
Yeah. We talked about that earlier. But now I will tell you how to cope with this, how to deal with fear. What is the worst thing that can happen? See you on next video.



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